Idioms beginning with N
Idiom | Meaning |
Nail in the coffin | Final act that leads to the end of something |
Nip in the bud | To stop something at an early stage |
No stone unturned | To search thoroughly and exhaustively |
Nose to the grindstone | Working hard and diligently |
Not my cup of tea | Something one does not enjoy or prefer |
Nuts and bolts | Basic practical details |
Nervous Nellie | Someone who is excessively anxious or nervous |
Nine-day wonder | Something that generates interest briefly |
Not playing with a full deck | Lacking intelligence or awareness |
Not the sharpest tool in the shed | Not very intelligent or capable |
Ne’er-do-well | A person who is lazy or irresponsible |
No-brainer | Something that requires little thought |
Nitty-gritty | The detailed or practical aspects of a matter |
No strings attached | Without any conditions or obligations |
Neck of the woods | A particular area or neighborhood |
Nip and tuck | Very close or competitive |
Night owl | A person who stays up late at night |
Now and then | Occasionally or from time to time |
No room to swing a cat | Very crowded or confined space |
Nuts about | To be very enthusiastic or passionate about |
No stone left unturned | To explore every possible avenue or option |
New lease on life | A fresh start or opportunity for improvement |
Nose out of joint | To be offended or upset |
No dice | No success or agreement |
Nose around | To snoop or pry into someone’s business |
Neck and neck | In close competition or equal footing |
Not a hope in hell | No chance of success |
Not hold water | Not logical or plausible |
Nail-biting | Very suspenseful or tense |
Nine-to-five | A regular work schedule |
No hard feelings | No resentment or ill will |
No laughing matter | A serious issue or situation |
Not rocket science | Not difficult or complicated |
Not in the slightest | Not at all |
Nosebleed seats | Seats in a venue that are very high or far |
Navel-gazing | Excessive self-absorption or introspection |
No spring chicken | Not young or youthful |
Nodding acquaintance | A slight or superficial familiarity |
Not the end of the world | Not a catastrophic event or situation |
Nip something in the bud | To stop something at an early stage |
No sweat | No problem or difficulty |
No-win situation | A situation where no one can benefit |
Nick of time | Just in time or at the last moment |
No time like the present | The best time to do something is now |
No rhyme or reason | Without logical explanation or purpose |
Not worth a hill of beans | Worthless or insignificant |
Not a dicky bird | No information or communication received |
No picnic | Not an easy or pleasant situation |
No hard and fast rule | No fixed or absolute guideline or principle |
Night and day | Completely different or contrasting |
Nose in the air | Arrogant or snobbish behavior |
Now or never | The situation requires immediate action |
No man is an island | Everyone needs the support of others |
No smoke without fire | There’s usually a reason for rumors or gossip |
Nip it in the bud | To stop something at an early stage |
No ifs, ands, or buts | No exceptions or excuses allowed |
No place like home | Home is the most comfortable place |
No news is good news | Lack of information suggests no problems |
Never say never | Don’t rule out the possibility completely |