
Dr B R Ambedkar
  1. “I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved.”
  2. “Cultivation of mind should be the ultimate aim of human existence.”
  3. “I like the religion that teaches liberty, equality, and fraternity.”
  4. “Political democracy cannot last unless there lies at the base of it social democracy.”
  5. “Men are mortal. So are ideas. An idea needs propagation as much as a plant needs watering. Otherwise, both will wither and die.”
  6. “History shows that where ethics and economics come in conflict, victory is always with economics.”
  7. “Unlike a drop of water which loses its identity when it joins the ocean, man does not lose his being in the society in which he lives. Man’s life is independent. He is born not for the development of the society alone, but for the development of his self.”
  8. “Law and order are the medicine of the body politic and when the body politic gets sick, medicine must be administered.”
  9. “So long as you do not achieve social liberty, whatever freedom is provided by the law is of no avail to you.”
  10. “We are Indians, firstly and lastly.”
Gautam Buddha
  1. “Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.”
  2. “The mind is everything. What you think you become.”
  3. “Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”
  4. “In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.”
  5. “The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows.”
  6. “You will not be punished for your anger; you will be punished by your anger.”
  7. “There is no path to happiness: happiness is the path.”
  8. “Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”
  9. “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”
  10. “Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life.”
  11. “Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.”
  12. “Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.”
  13. “The root of suffering is attachment.”
  14. “Health is the greatest gift, contentment is the greatest wealth, faithfulness is the best relationship.”
  15. “What we think, we become.”
Subhash Chandra Bose
  1. “Give me blood, and I shall give you freedom!”
  2. “It is our duty to pay for our liberty with our own blood. The freedom that we shall win through our sacrifice and exertions, we shall be able to preserve with our own strength.”
  3. “Freedom is not given, it is taken.”
  4. “One individual may die for an idea, but that idea will, after his death, incarnate itself in a thousand lives.”
  5. “Nationalism is inspired by the highest ideals of the human race, satyam [the truth], shivam [the god], sundaram [the beautiful]. Nationalism in India has … roused the creative faculties which for centuries had been lying dormant in our people.”
  6. “Life loses half its interest if there is no struggle – if there are no risks to be taken.”
  7. “No real change in history has ever been achieved by discussions.”
  8. “Forget not that the grossest crime is to compromise with injustice and wrong. Remember the eternal law: you must give, if you want to get.”
  9. “It is only on the basis of undiluted Nationalism and of perfect justice and impartiality that the Indian Army of Liberation can be built up.”
  10. “Men, money and materials cannot by themselves bring victory or freedom. We must have the motive-power that will inspire us to brave deeds and heroic exploits.”
Mahatama Gandhi
  1. “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
  2. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
  3. “An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.”
  4. “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”
  5. “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”
  6. “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
  7. “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.”
  8. “The future depends on what you do today.”
  9. “First, they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
  10. “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”
  11. “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”
  12. “The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
  13. “A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.”
  14. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
  15. “The future depends on what you do today.”
Rabindranath Tagore
  1. “Let your life lightly dance on the edges of Time like dew on the tip of a leaf.”
  2. “Don’t limit a child to your own learning, for they were born in another time.”
  3. “The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough.”
  4. “Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man.”
  5. “You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.”
  6. “The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence.”
  7. “Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark.”
  8. “Depth of friendship does not depend on length of acquaintance.”
  9. “Love does not claim possession but gives freedom.”
  10. “We live in the world when we love it.”
  11. “Let us not pray to be sheltered from dangers but to be fearless when facing them.”
  12. “Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.”
  13. “The one who plants trees, knowing that he will never sit in their shade, has at least started to understand the meaning of life.”
  14. “If you cry because the sun has gone out of your life, your tears will prevent you from seeing the stars.”
  15. “The soul of man is immortal and imperishable.”
Jawaharlal Nehru
  1. “The only alternative to coexistence is codestruction.”

  2. “Time is not measured by the passing of years but by what one does, what one feels, and what one achieves.”

  3. “Life is like a game of cards. The hand you are dealt is determinism; the way you play it is free will.”

  4. “The policy of being too cautious is the greatest risk of all.”

  5. “Ignorance is always afraid of change.”

  6. “The person who talks most of his own virtue is often the least virtuous.”

  7. “Without peace, all other dreams vanish and are reduced to ashes.”

  8. “The only alternative to coexistence is codestruction.”

  9. “Democracy and socialism are means to an end, not the end itself.”

  10. “Facts are facts and will not disappear on account of your likes.”

  11. “You don’t change the course of history by turning the faces of portraits to the wall.”

  12. “The forces in a capitalist society, if left unchecked, tend to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.”

  13. “Culture is the widening of the mind and of the spirit.”

  14. “Success often comes to those who dare to act. It seldom goes to the timid who are ever afraid of the consequences.”

Albert Einstein
  1. “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”
  2. “The only source of knowledge is experience.”
  3. “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”
  4. “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”
  5. “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.”
  6. “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”
  7. “Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.”
  8. “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”
  9. “Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.”
  10. “The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.”
  11. “Any fool can know. The point is to understand.”
  12. “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
  13. “Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.”
  14. “The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”
  15. “Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.”
Mother Teresa
  1. “Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”
  2. “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”
  3. “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”
  4. “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”
  5. “Peace begins with a smile.”
  6. “Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.”
  7. “We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.”
  8. “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”
  9. “Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.”
  10. “Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.”
  11. “Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”
  12. “Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”
  13. “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.”
  14. “Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat.”
  15. “Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”
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